About Us 
There have been major improvements and extensions in the field of education since ages. We sincerely believe that schools must be vibrant centres of learning. That is why our approach is not limited to academic excellence only, but it also extends to life enriching fields like music, dramatics and sport. We believe that students learn best in an atmosphere that is open, caring and conducive to learning. And that collaboration between students, parents, teachers and management can together build communities, strengthen educational opportunities and develop strong value systems. The basic human values taught in the school aim to impart sound practical knowledge of the syllabus of the Central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E). After love, education is the greatest gift that you can give to your child. A good education prepares a child to be the best that she/he can be in life. Good teachers inspire him/her with a love of learning that lasts long after specific facts are forgotten. To derive the greatest benefit from education, a child must be seen by the school as a worthy potential asset to the society, nation as well as whole humanity. The child must be encouraged to metamorphosis into an inquisitive mind, with the teacher's presence to satisfy and channelise their quest.